Thursday, November 17, 2005

Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oi Oi Oi!

Two blogs in one day - I know - an unheard of (and probably never to be repeated) miracle! But I just had to gush about yet another miracle, one I am still coming to terms with. The Socceroos have somehow beaten Uruguay in a two leg competition for a place in the World Cup finals in Germany 2006! I cannot believe it - I thought it would never happen unless FIFA gave Oceania a well-deserved full qualifying place. Australia must be mental at the moment with all the celebrations - I can't believe I'm missing it.

Anyway, I posted before about Halloween and promised pictures which I never delivered, so here they are people! Click to enlarge, you know the drill...

This is Sabrina and I in our living room after we just finished getting ready - the angel and the devil!
Sabrina and I

Shelly and I at the club.
Shelly and I

The only one of the three of us, taken (as far as I can remember) by a guy in a martian costume.
The Three Muscateers

Shelly with the guys dressed up "Top Gun" style. I must admit they looked good but they were total players!
Shelly and the boys

Me with the best looking one!
The player and I

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Socceroos, go! the celebrations are as if we already won the World Cup! weird... and they are talking about making Mark Schwarzer (the goalkeeper) an australian hero! as he saved 2 goals from the uruguayans during the penalty shots. Absolutely amazing! I'm sad you missed it.
