Thursday, December 01, 2005

Work Shmerk

I had my last day at work yesterday, and far from feeling exhilarated, I'm actually feeling at a bit of a loss. I've spent the morning trying to reorganise flights and stuff for Peru (all the ones I wanted are booked out, hurrah, so I've got no time to get from Lima to Cusco for the Inca hike), which means I'm probably going to have to fly, which is gonna cost me like 250 euro. I am so sick of airlines, flights, times, bookings, and all that. I'm especially sick of how much they charge you for the pleasure. But I want to get it all out of the way before the weekend so I can relax. Thank god I've got these days off or I don't know when I'd be able to organise all this.

Last night Sabrina and I had planned to go out clubbing, but in the end I collapsed on the couch and fell asleep. My body needed it thanks to all the partying I put it through this weekend! I had some friends come to Dublin from London and we went out clubbing on Friday and Saturday and I got up early on Saturday to visit Andra, so by Sunday I was wrecked! It was all in the pursuit of a good time though so it was worth it, and we found Rick's, the best burger bar in Dublin! I'm still feeling lethargic today - I think it's because it's been six days since I've been running and my body needs an adrenaline kick. I'll go later when the rain will hopefully have let up a bit. I can barely believe it's eight days until I go to Argentina - this six months has been one of the fastest in my life. Every time I stop and turn around I find another month has gone by.

Andra made me Romanian food on Saturday, and we had chats, and Dan made me drink a pile of Jameson, and we had a good time. Wow, that was such a poorly constructed sentence, but I am extremely tired, so you'll have to forgive me.

I was planning to give you all a proper update on my life, but to be honest I've been sitting in this internet cafe trying to fix my flights for 4 hours 21 minutes and counting, and I have to get out of here. I have to go for a run or do something, right now, this minute.

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