Friday, June 24, 2005

Home sweet home.

Congratulate me - I get to pay €285 per month for the privelege of co-renting four walls, a floor and a ceiling with three other girls. It's better than sleeping on the streets, right? Actually the place is reasonably big (for inner-city Dublin) and the girls I'm sharing with are great. There's Diana, a Dutch girl who has just quit her job at Xerox because she can't stand it, loves travelling and partying, and, among other things, shares my room. There's Maria B (from Bilbao) who's just landed a job at the airport, is a real softie (but brave) and looks a bit like Penelope Cruz. Last but not least there's Maria M (from Madrid) who looks quiet and innocent, but I'm sure there's hidden depths to her (she used to date a scruffy bass player from a band that's apparently quite huge now in Spain (they're called elbicho and I like them a lot). I like all my housemates, but Maria B and I really get on like Vegemite and cheese. She told me yesterday she was really happy that I'd moved into the flat, and I said the same. It's like we've already known each other for years! Maybe it's because we have the same kind of background. I was telling Maria B about my favourite record in the whole world, a recording of a concert by Vinicius de Moraes, and lo and behold, she goes into Maria M's cd collection and pulls out that exact recording! I couldn't believe it - probably about five people, tops, would have that record in Ireland, and I move in with one of them.

The three of them smoke profusely, which can be trying at times, but I'd rather live with three great girls who smoke than three dull or mean non-smokers. Fast forward 50 years to when I have lung cancer and I'll be singing a different tune, but for now I like it here. It still doesn't feel like "home", it's like I'm crashing at a friend's place. But hey, I've only lived there for five days. Soon I won't be able to imagine living anywhere else. I don't miss my house yet - family and friends yes, but not the physical space I call home.

Last night was great fun. Unfortunately, Diana had a headache and went straight to bed, but when Maria B got home we made dinner together and chatted away with some music in the background. In fact I almost felt like I was in Spain as we were talking in Spanish, with Spanish music on (elbicho) and we were eating spaghetti bolognaise with red wine - altogether quite Mediterranean. Afterwards I helped Maria study for her test at work, Maria M came home, and we stayed up late watching an elbicho concert on DVD.

This whole housing thing has worked out quite well. I must admit I was anxious since I've read "He Died With a Felafel in His Hand". What if I hated my housemates? What if they stole all my stuff and left me high and dry with the rent cheque? It could happen you know - I've been quite lucky. One small downer. I still don't have any way of paying for this cool new flat. I've realised that my daydream where I sail into a great job a week after landing in Dublin is just that - a dream. It's probably going to take a month or so to get one, so I'm going to have to be patient.


Anonymous said...

lucia ahora que hablas español continuamente vas a venir muy entrenada a Argentina.
Me alegra que hayas encontrado buenas compañeras de casa, y ya encontraras tambien trabajo.
todo junto es como demasiado.
Pero ya veras que todo ira b ien, te mando un beso muy grande y SUERTE en tu busqueda.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lucia,

It is Alex!!

Great to hear about your latest adventures! And I'm pleased that all the negatives are not getting to you and that your eternal optimism keeps shinning through! You’re a cool chick!

I thought I better add something in English so as not scare away us Aussies: VB sales are going through the roof!

PS - Pity about the Saints last night...

Anonymous said...

Hi Luce, I can see you are having a lot of fun. Goo onya. Here I am marking exam papers, so I'll blog instead (I'll do anything instead!).

How're you getting along with the Irish accent? Are you getting it? Do they get where you come from?

Hey Alex, you and I are in even worse trouble than the Saints! Carn the Hawks! (second last, I still remember the eighties, when we were the mighty Hawks ...)



Anonymous said...

Hola Lucia. Me alegro que hayas encontrado piso. Lo de compartir y la falta de m2 es algo tipico en toda europa. Tambien lo de ir los fines de semana de viaje pues las distancias son minimas, en comparación con Australia. Asi que aprovecha que no trabajas y viaja a Escocia, Gales y por Irlanda.
Pidele a las MArias españolas si tienen música de Bebe y de Ojos de Brujo, que estan muy bien. Saludos y pasa tus telefonos!!

Anonymous said...

hello babe, it's janna! i've finally managed to acquire your new email address and the blog. never got the email...tsk tsk! anyway, glad everything is going well and that you're having lots of fun. You'll definitely get a job - who wouldn't hire you? your gorgeous!

take care sweety
luv janna

PS i have goss but i will email you instead. blog probably not the best place to post it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lucy,

Now that I've sent you your laptop I hope you have enough money to pay for an internet connection, so you can update your blog more often! Every day I look forward for an update. It's so much fun reading it! You should follow everybody's advise to be a writer. By the way, how is your book going?
Keep the optimism up! you'll get a job soon and you'll be over the moon!

PS: say hello to the other Marias. (why everybody has to be called Maria?)

Anonymous said...

yeah that book has me worried about share house accomodation too. I think I'm going to be very careful if I ever do it...