Sunday, April 22, 2007

Egypt - Day 10 - Goodbye Budget Expeditions, Goodbye Luxor

This was a bit of a nothing day. Having got to bed at 04:00 the previous night I didn’t get up until late, just in time to say bye to Sam, Rami and everyone. I think there were a few tired and cranky faces thanks to the night before – also probably more than one hangover. We said a hurried goodbye with lots of hugs, email swapping and “take care”s, and the 15 day tour people headed off for the Red Sea. I was still tired as anything so while Shelly went shopping yet again (I really have no idea where she finds this endless reservoir of shopping motivation) I slept all afternoon. I knew this was probably a bad idea as we would be catching the overnight train back to Cairo that night, and an afternoon nap usually equals a sleepless night, but the sharp pains in my stomach precluded other activity. I slept and slept all afternoon and evening until it was time to catch the train. Budget’s Luxor rep met us at the hotel and took us to the train station; thank goodness he was there to make sure we got on the right train because the train announcements were a) in Arabic and b) made on a typical scratchy and unintelligible train station PA system. On to the train where Shelly and I were again seated next to the bloody door – thank goodness this time it wasn’t broken and led to the WC rather than the smoking area. Unbelievably, I dropped off to sleep almost immediately and barely woke until Shelly shook me to let me know we were almost at Giza station.

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