Friday, August 11, 2006

Barbie Dolls and Bogans

Friday the Barlan guys came back to do some more network and server upgrades (will this never end?) and we ended up staying back until half seven on Friday. Lucky Alan and Alan are good fun, otherwise my rage would have been fiery indeed. We had good craic though, and I got to indulge my geeky side for a while (it's latent at the moment, but still there). I got home shattered and literally fell on the couch and didn't want to move. It was the night I was supposed to meet Jarvis...*ahem*...I mean Whelan's (but remember he hadn't made any contact since we met). Marie physically dragged me off the couch by the arm and gave me a stern talking to.

“Lucia, if you don't go and check if he's there, you'll regret it later.”
“I'm sooo tired...”
“Come on Lucia, get up!”
“I don't want toooo...”
“Lucia, we're going out and that's all there is to it.”

And that's all there was to it.

Whelan's was great fun, it's been so long since I've been to a pub like that. Because of the nature of my flatmates, we tend to only go out to clubs playing chart hits and featuring loads of women wearing short skirts and quite a few kilos of makeup. Whelan's is more of an alternative place. The DJ plays rock and the crowd there are refreshingly original - or at least they seem more genuine than the glammed-up Barbies we usually see on nights out. By the way, before you think I'm getting highbrow and snooty, I'm not excluding myself from the “Barbiedoll” label - when I'm clubbing I mould myself into a little Stepford Slut just like the rest of them (remember the little pink dress incident?).

Marie and I met this group of guys who we danced with for a while, until we got fed up and left. On our way out we met one of them just outside the door and ended up chatting to him for about an hour and a half. Among other things he told us that Joshua Jackson is studying at Trinity! I'm pretty sure he was having us on, particularly given the Irish penchant for yanking your chain, but wouldn't it be nice if we were sharing a city with that little hottie! I'd be stalking him in no time. Needless to say Jarvis/Damien didn't show, but as stated previously, you could fill the Atlantic with the amount of not caring I have about that.

Saturday night was a quiet night in, first in a long time! But as Monday was a Bank Holiday (hurrah!) we went out to the Village. Downstairs there's a cool pub that has karaoke on Sundays (incidentally that's where I met Jimmy Barnes, not to name-drop or anything). Upstairs there's a club that plays dancy kinds of music but not all top 40 which is a relief.

Anyway after much convincing (and a little vodka) I agreed to sing “Proud Mary”, which went down fairly well if I do say so myself. Afterwards we went upstairs and danced the night away. We stopped at Rick's (best burgers in Dublin) on the way home for some delicious beefburgers and fell into bed.

Monday was quiet (are you sensing a pattern here?). Gym, laundry, grocery shopping etc. In the evening I went to see an Irish film, “The Wind That Shakes The Barley”, with my friend Eimear and her flatmate Denise. It's about the Irish war of Independence and the subsequent Civil War and oh my god, was incredibly sad. We were all in floods. In fact most people in the cinema were sniffling. After the movie we had coffee and gossiped about happy things to try and un-depress ourselves a little bit. We actually had a great laugh and only went home because we had to get some shut-eye before work on Tuesday.

Just one or two small tidbits before I go:

My f***wit ex-boss has defied the recommendations of the Labour Relations Commission and has still not paid me the money he owes me since last November. I have to take him to court now.

I get a banana on my way to work each morning, ostensibly to get vitamins and potassium but really to check out the cute guy who works the morning shift at the SPAR on Capel St. Today I think I saw him standing at the lights on North King St.

Last week Una went to the Motor Tax Office to renew her driver's license and a guy she struck up a conversation with got up, disappeared, came back 10 minutes later, handed her a bunch of flowers with a card with his mobile number on it, and left. She met him on Monday but no chemistry unfortunately. Still, gives you some hope that there's good left in mankind, doesn't it?

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